Ten E.B., Batyshev A.I. Improving the efficiency of the Fe-Si-Al alloy Sendustmelting and casting technology. Part 2. Improving the melting technology
The factors allowing an increase in the efficiency of melting of Fe-Si-Al alloy Sendast are studied. First of all, it is proposed to eliminate the sequential melting of Fe-, Siand Al-bearing components. The basis share of the initial charging should be compact; the lumps of pure iron are better than powdered carbonyl iron, and the silicon steel wastes are even more preferable. In case of absence of such materials, the joint charging of Feand Si-bearing components is possible to conduct melting. In order to prevent overheating of the melt, the doping of the alloy with Al at the end of melting process should be carried out cyclically by introduction of small portions of aluminum and turn off of the furnace until the added portion of Al is dissolved.
Key words: Fe-Si-Al soft magnetic alloy, induction melting, melting of the charge, oxidation of components, reduction in loss of elements, reduction of total metal loss.
Marukovich E.I., Stetsenko V.Y. Scientific problem of modifying of primary crystals of a ?-phase of castings from silumin. Solutions
It is shown that intermetallic compound of the modifying ligatures are not crystallization centers of primary crystals of a ?-phase. As the main demodifier serves the hydrogen dissolved in liquid alpax. For a solution of the problem of modifying of primary crystals of a ?-phase in castings from alpaxes it is necessary to accept that crystallization centers of primary crystals of a ?-phase are the crystalline educations consisting of ?-phase nanocrystals, and the role of the modifying intermetallic compound of modifiers comes down to the active absorption of the dissolved hydrogen.
Key words: Modifying, crystallization centers, primary crystals, silumin, intermetallic compound, nanocrystals, the issolved hydrogen.
Narivskii A.V., Piontkovskaya N.S., Fedorov V.V., Kosinskaya А.V. Efficiency of aluminum alloys refining by different methods of gas-flux processing of the melt
The results of studies of impact of the cold and high temperature gas-flux refining of the melt on the degree of removal of hydrogen and oxides from the aluminum alloys were presented.
Key words: Melt, processing gas-flux, blowing by argon, plasma jet, disk activator, the degree of refining, hydrogen oxide inclusions.
Parkin A.A., Zhatkin S.S., Tarabrin A.O., Tarasov V.S. Effect of electric current and low-frequency vibration with movement on the process of dissolving leaking elements in aluminum melt
The results of studies on the effect of direct electric current, mixing with simultaneous low-frequency shock vibration on the processes of dissolution of Nickel and nichrome in aluminum melt are presented.
Key words: Aluminum, nickel, direct current, shock vibration, microstructure, properties.
Kuzina A.A., Amosov A.P., Titova Yu.V. Application of nanopowder pseudo-master alloys of Cu for reinforcement and modification of Al-alloys
The results of researches of introductionintomolten aluminum alloys AlSi12 and Al99,7 the pseudo-master alloys containing 2,5...5% nanopowdercomposition (AlN+35% Na3AlF6), obtained by azide technology of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), are presented. The effect of processing of aluminum melt by electromagnetic acoustic fields on the solubility of introduced nanopowderpseudo-master alloys was investigated. The microstructures of the obtained cast samples after modification are presented. It was established, that the maximum solubility of the nanodispersed phase of AlN is observed, when it is introduced into the alloys of AlSi12 and Al99.7 in the composition of nanopowderpseudo-master alloy Cu-2,5%(AlN+35%Na3AlF6).
Key words: Aluminum nitride, nanoparticles, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, pseudomaster alloy, modification, aluminum alloy, microstructure, mechanical properties.
Modern Materials
Kazakov A.A. Peculiarities of the control of metallurgical heredity in steels and alloys
On the example of a wide range of steels and alloys, as well as various technologies for their production and processing, the role of metallurgical inheritance to control the structure and properties of these metallic materials has been shown. The nonmetallic inclusions, as well as chemical and structural inhomogeneities, formed during the crystallization and solidification of steels and alloys, determine the nature of metallurgical inheritance. Examples of improving known and developing new steels and alloys, as well as technologies of their production, based on the control of metallurgical inheritance have been demonstrated.
Key words: Metallurgical inheritance, nature and control, steel, alloys, solidification, inhomogeneity.
Tepterev M.S., Tribunsky A.V., Chitnaeva E.S., Arishensky E.V. About grain structure and dispersoids after hot rolling in 1565ch alloy
Research aim is the study of aluminum alloys of 5xxx groups and the effect of complex alloying of Zn and Zr on the microstructure, the dimensions of particles of intermetallic compounds and dispersoids, as well as the tendency of alloys to recrystallize. For typical representatives of the 5xxx series of alloys 5182 and 1565 ch, the grain size and mechanical properties in the cast state were investigated. After homogenization and hot rolling, a grain microstructure, distribution and sizes of both large and fine particles of the second phase were investigated. Their influence on the propensity of recrystallization and its main mechanism is shown.
Key words: Aluminum, intermetallic particle, microstructure, dispersoid particle, hot deformation, recrystallization, zirconium.
XXI Century Technologies
Dubodelov V.I. On application of magnetic hydrodynamics in casting technologies. History, status, prospects
Studies of processes using magnetic hydrodynamics, primarily in the foundry industry, carried out at the PTIMA NAS of Ukraine are reviewed. The operation of the used magnetic dynamic and hydrodynamic pumps and units is described. Contribution of different researchers in these developments is estimated.
Key words: Magnetic hydrodynamics, electromagnetic pump, hydrodynamic mixing, heat release zone, metal refining, dosed casting, degassing.
Arishensky V.Yu., Tribunsky A.V., Yelagin V.A., Arishensky E.V. Effect of homogenization conditions on physical and mechanical properties and microstructure of aluminum alloy 6016
The purpose of this research is to study the effect of homogenization conditions on the mechanical properties and microstructure of aluminum alloy 6016. The effect of homogenization annealing on the microstructure and properties of a heat-resistant aluminum alloy of the Al-Mg-Si system was investigated. In terms of physical and mechanical properties, the study looked at the change in electrical conductivity and microhardness as a function of temperature and homogenization soak time, in terms of microstructure, the quantity and magnitude of dispersoids and intermetallics were considered.
Key words: Aluminum alloy, homogenization, dispersoids, intermetallics, electrical conductivity, microhardness, casting.
Jandieri G.V., Sakhvadze D.V., Zakharov G.V., Kharati R.G. Research and development of the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis for production of special polycomponent ligatures from wastes of ferroalloy production
An analysis of technological characteristics of the application of a centrifugal SHS reactor for aluminothermic reduction of oxide wastes of the ferroalloy production is presented. The possibility and technical effectiveness of production of special-purpose polycomponent ligatures from the dust fractions of gas cleaning systems used in the electrothermal production of industrial ferro alloys are described. An effect of gravitational overload up to 1000 g on the performance characteristics of the synthesis process was studied. Experimental data are given for a complex ligature of the following composition, %:Mn – 24; Si – 22; Ni – 25; Cr – 26; Al – 3.
Key words: Oxide wastes of the ferroalloy production, polycomponent ligature, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, centrifugal reactor.
Khamin O.N. Mechanical scheme of deformation in technological heredity of processes by pressure shaping
Influence mechanical scheme of deformation and plastic deformation area (PDA) of storage on parameters of details hereditary in technological process their making are considered. Indexes of mechanical scheme of deformation and PDA for appraisal quality of details and surfaces after treatment are given.
Key words: Mechanical scheme of deformation, technological heredity, pressure shaping, properties, quality.
Table of Content:
Interview with Victor Orlov – General Director of RF State Research Centre JSC "RPA "CNIITMASH"
Melting. Melt Treatment
Ten E.B., Batyshev A.I. Improving the efficiency of the Fe-Si-Al alloy Sendustmelting and casting technology. Part 2. Improving the melting technology
Marukovich E.I., Stetsenko V.Y. Scientific problem of modifying of primary crystals of a ?-phase of castings from silumin. Solutions
Narivskii A.V., Piontkovskaya N.S., Fedorov V.V., Kosinskaya А.V. Efficiency of aluminum alloys refining by different methods of gas-flux processing of the melt
Parkin A.A., Zhatkin S.S., Tarabrin A.O., Tarasov V.S. Effect of electric current and low-frequency vibration with movement on the process of dissolving leaking elements in aluminum melt
Kuzina A.A., Amosov A.P., Titova Yu.V. Application of nanopowder pseudo-master alloys of Cu for reinforcement and modification of Al-alloys
Modern Materials
Kazakov A.A. Peculiarities of the control of metallurgical heredity in steels and alloys
Tepterev M.S., Tribunsky A.V., Chitnaeva E.S., Arishensky E.V. About grain structure and dispersoids after hot rolling in 1565ch alloy
XXI Century Technologies
Dubodelov V.I. On application of magnetic hydrodynamics in casting technologies. History, status, prospects
Arishensky V.Yu., Tribunsky A.V., Yelagin V.A., Arishensky E.V. Effect of homogenization conditions on physical and mechanical properties and microstructure of aluminum alloy 6016
Jandieri G.V., Sakhvadze D.V., Zakharov G.V., Kharati R.G. Research and development of the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis for production of special polycomponent ligatures from wastes of ferroalloy production
Khamin O.N. Mechanical scheme of deformation in technological heredity of processes by pressure shaping
Information. Chronicle