Panov A.G. Davydov S.V. Study of changes in the microstructure of cast Fe-Mg-Ni-ligatures depending on the technology of their modification and cooling rate
One of the basic deterrents for wide use cast Fe-Ni-Mg modifiers in foundry high-strength pig-iron manufacture is inadmissible complexity of operation of their crushing because of a high level of impact strength. For decrease of impact strength it is offered to modify the given type modifier surface-active elements. Questions of formation of a microstructure are considered and impact strength лигатур is investigated. It is shown, that the offered method of processing reduces a level of impact strength in 2 times that promotes improvement сrushing modifier.
Keywords: Fe-Ni-Mg the modifier, impact strength, modifying, surface-active elements, a microstructure, microhardness, diameter Fere, graphite, high-strength pig-iron, сrushing modifier.
Chaikin A.V., Kolpakov V.V., Chaikin V.A. Technologies of deoxidation and refining of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys using advanced materials
The article describes the advantages of using dispersed mixed materials for diffusion deoxidation of steels smelted in arc furnaces with basic and acid lining; refining of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys; early slag guidance during melting of 110G13L steel by remelting.
Keywords: Refining, deoxidation, steel, cast iron, aluminum.
Zenkin R.N. A method for recycling of iron-bearing materials
In view of the constant growth of the price components for the charge materials, the technology of recycling of iron-bearing components began to develop actively in the ХХI century on the territory of the Russian Federation. Simultaneously, it solves the problem of the accumulation of industrial waste or related products, which are residues of solid, liquid or gaseous substances of different chemical composition negatively affecting the environment. The presented technology combines selection, separation and sieving of these materials to reuse them in metallurgy and foundry. It is based on the principle of separation of ferromagnets from diamagnets and paramagnets.
Keywords: Slag, metal charge, sieving mechanism, separation, briquette.
Rovin S.L., Rovin L.E., Nasevich I.S. Processing and disposal of dispersed metal waste
The analysis of the situation with the disposal of dispersed iron-containing waste, as well as the methods of their processing used today in order to extract the metal and return it to production, is presented. An alternative method of recycling such waste based on the use of rotary tilting furnaces of a new generation is presented. The proposed method makes it possible to process and use dispersed metal waste directly at machine- building and metalworking enterprises, where they are formed practically without preliminary preparation and pelletizing. This approach allows you to get a significant economic and environmental effect.
Keywords: Recycling, dispersed iron-containing wastes, recovery, melting, rotary furnaces, ecology.
Ten E.B., Liholobov E.Yu. Improving the quality of 110G13L steel during the ladle refining with Fe-Si-Al + Ti complex
There are presented the research result about of factors the improving the quality of steel 110G13L during the out-off furnace processing by complex (Fe-Si-Al + Ti) instead (Al + Ti) complex. Under consideration effect are appeared at significant increase the rates of mechanical properties – tensile strength ?в – by 14%, specific elongation ?5 – by 55% and impact strength KCU – by 12%. It is showed, the received positive effect is the result of more high powerful deoxidizing and modifying action the (Fe-Si-Al + Ti) complex on the steel melt in comparison with (Al + Ti) complex. The confirmation of that is the 1,5 times lower Oxygen content (0,0014% instead 0,0021%) at steel, which treated by complex (Fe-Si-Ai + Ti), and the 1,3 times more low Oxygen activity (2,9?10-4 instead 3,8?10-4 %).
Key words: Steel 110G13L, out-off furnace deoxidization and modifying, ferrosilicoaluminum and titanium, mechanical properties and structure dispersing.
Anisovich A.G., Ilyushenko V.M., Duvalov P.Yu., Andrienko V.M. The influence of the knocking time on the structure and properties of white cast iron ИЧХ18ВМ
The article considers the structure of white cast iron castings of ИЧХ18ВМ after early knocking, as well as self – release during prolonged cooling in the form of HTS. The phase composition during early knocking in the near – surface layer of the casting is austenite, martensite and carbides. After self – tempering, the perlite structure of the matrix is formed. The hardness is 52…56 and 46…47 units of HRC, respectively.
Keywords: White cast iron, self – tempering, early knocking, martensite.
Marukovich E.I., Stetsenko V.Y., Stetsenko A.V. To the theory of metal melt crystallization
It has been shown that the classical theory of crystallization of metal melts is very problematic. The fundamental provisions of this theory do not correspond to the second law of thermodynamics. To solve the problems of the classical theory of crystallization of metal melts, it must be considered that the crystallization of metal melts is mainly an equilibrium process in which nanocrystals play a major role.
Keywords: Crystallization, metal melt, Gibbs energy, thermodynamics, nanocrystals, microcrystals, crystallization centers.
Anikeev V.V., Sonnenberg N.N. An effect of the electroslag heating and feeding on the quality of steel ingots at semi-continuous casting
It is shown that electroslag heating with non-consumable graphite electrodes and feeding with consumable steel electrodes having the same chemical composition as the produced ingot improves the structure, density and chemical homogeneity of the cast metal, reduces the content of non-metallic and gas impurities and significantly increases the yield.
Keywords: Steel ingots, semi-continuous casting, electroslag heating, shrinkage hole.
Doroshenko V.S. Three trends in the digitalization of foundry: virtual engineering, digital twin, additive technologies
The large-scale diffusion of digital technologies can ensure the economic growth, create a synergistic effect extending to the economic, social, technological, intellectual and infrastructural components of the progress. Three methods of digitalization, which is designed to radically change production, are presented in this article taking the manufacture of cast metal structures as an example.
Keywords: Digitalization, engineering, additive manufacturing, metal casting, digital twin, foundry technology, casting, 3D printing.
Table of Content:
Panov A.G. Davydov S.V. Study of changes in the microstructure of cast Fe-Mg-Ni-ligatures depending on the technology of their modification and cooling rate
Chaikin A.V., Kolpakov V.V., Chaikin V.A. Technologies of deoxidation and refining of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys using advanced materials
Zenkin R.N. A method for recycling of iron-bearing materials
Rovin S.L., Rovin L.E., Nasevich I.S. Processing and disposal of dispersed metal waste
Ten E.B., Liholobov E.Yu. Improving the quality of 110G13L steel during the ladle refining with Fe-Si-Al + Ti complex
Anisovich A.G., Ilyushenko V.M., Duvalov P.Yu., Andrienko V.M. The influence of the knocking time on the structure and properties of white cast iron ИЧХ18ВМ
Marukovich E.I., Stetsenko V.Y., Stetsenko A.V. To the theory of metal melt crystallization
Anikeev V.V., Sonnenberg N.N. An effect of the electroslag heating and feeding on the quality of steel ingots at semi-continuous casting
Doroshenko V.S. Three trends in the digitalization of foundry: virtual engineering, digital twin, additive technologies